Apostille Document Verification
This search page allows you to verify whether an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication was issued by the New York State Secretary of State's office. Only Apostilles and Certificates of Authentication issued on or after April 9, 2013 may be verified on this search page.

If you are unable to locate an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication or you wish to verify an Apostille or Certificate of Authentication issued prior to April 9, 2013, please contact the New York Department of State at (518) 474-4429.

Search Criteria: (Items marked with * are required)
1. Document Number*: 2. Issue Date*: 3.
Search Instructions:
  1. Enter the Document Number being searched (Numbers only, "2438"). The Document Number for an Apostille is located in Section 8. The Document Number for a Certificate of Authentication is the first series of numbers located in the lower left corner.
  2. Select an Issue Date (Month, Day and Year). The Issue Date for an Apostille is in section 6 of the Apostille. The Issue Date for a Certificate of Authentication is directly above the signature.
  3. Click the Verify Document button.

Disclaimer of Warranties/Accuracy of Data: Although the data provided through this search has been produced and processed from sources believed to be accurate and reliable, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of any information so provided. This disclaimer applies to both isolated and aggregate uses of the information. The Secretary of State’s office provides this information on an “as is” basis. All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, freedom from contamination by computer viruses and non-infringement of proprietary rights ARE DISCLAIMED. Changes may be periodically added to the information provided herein; these changes may or may not be incorporated in any new version of the published information. If you have obtained information from the Secretary of State’s website from a source other than the Secretary of State’s website, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report your findings to the New York Department of State.